Spectrum Tour offer Connemara bids, Connemara bids you welcome to a very special part of Ireland, Connemara bids Ireland |
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Connemara bids you welcome to a very special part of Ireland
Connemara is a unique and very special part of Ireland. Situated on the most western seaboard of Europe, this unspoilt region boasts breathtaking scenery. The characteristic features of Connemara include its rugged, unpolluted coastline, dramatic mountains, numerous lakes and rivers and woodlands and the renowned Connemara National Park.
In this healthy environment, little troubled by man, may be found a wide array of wild flowers and beautiful wildlife. Connemara remains a natural haven for the peregrine falcon, the raven, the otter, the badger and the Irish hare.
Quiet little roads winding through the majestic landscape lead from village to village. Music and singing in many a bar reminds the visitor of a bygone-era of innocence and charm.
The natural warmth and friendliness of the local people, unsullied by the cynicism of the modern world, is reflected in the calm and leisurely pace of life that is so characteristic of Connemara. Always an excellent base for a good holiday whatever the time of year, there is something of interest for everyone to be found in Connemara.
There is a wide variety of outdoor activities available. These include fresh water and deep sea angling, walking, cycling, canoeing, surfing, sailing, swimming, diving, sea-crusing, and snorkeling. And for those who prefer dry-land to water-based activities, Connemara offers golfing, pony trekking and bird-watching.
Connemara is also a haven for the botanist, zoologist , archaeologist, artist-photographer or the family-historian. The magic of Connemara is the stuff of dreams.
The standards of excellence offered across the whole spectrum of cultural and leisure pursuits make Connemara a very popular destination.
Accommodation establishments are very special as they are family-owned premises. There is always a member of the family there to welcome you with that celebrated Irish hospitality. Many restaurants in Connemara offer delicious local lamb and seafood from menus which will suit all palates and pockets.
On behalf of Connemara Tourism, I wish to extend to you a warm and heartfelt invitation to visit our area and trust that your stay will be a memorable one .
I welcome any observations which you wish to to express.