Hang Gliding has recently been introduced in India. It is adventure sport
propelled by wings of aluminium canvassed colourful nylon, Hang gliders,
suspended from their precarious position on the undercarriage of the glider,
begin their journey, executing exquisite swooping movements with skill of
those born to fly.
Centres earmarked for hang gliding are:
- Srinagar valley in Jammu & Kashmir
- Billing, Kangra, Dharamshala, Shimla and Kausali in Himachal Pradesh
- The Nilgiri hills in Tamil Nadu
- Mhow, Indore in Madhya Pradesh
- Chamundi hills. and areas around Bangalore
- Mysore in Kanataka
- Shillong in Meghalaya
Hang gliding clubs in India are centred at Pune, New Delhi,
Mumbai, Chandigarh, Shimla, Deolai, Bangalore and Kalahati. Most of the
clubs have their own hang-gliders which are indigenously manufactured by Raj
Hans Aero sports Ltd. at Mysore.