The Perhentian Islands lie off the northeast coast between Kuala Terengganu and Kota Bharu, and make up the northern end of Terengganu Marine Park. The diving conditions and marine life are very similar to Tioman. In addition there are also many large Tubastrea corals, unusually large soft corals, harp corals and deeper down fields of stony corals and barrel sponges covered in alabaster sea cucumber. There are also many different species of nudibranchs and in good light, you will of ten see Spanish dancers. In addition to the colourful, abundant reef fish you can also see turties squid octopus dolphins and pilot whales.
The best time of the year to dive Perhentian is from May to July Resorts close down for the monsoon season October till March and August should be avoided as it is the local holiday season and the limited facilities, are very much in demand. The Perhentian Island Resort offer, simple but comfortable accommodation, friendly staff, uncrowded white sand beaches and the oldest of the only two dive centres or the island. There are also must cheaper, basic bungalows and new resort, Coral Sky, from which the Turtle Island Dive Centre operates. Kuala Beset, 20km on the mainland, can be reached by air from Kuala Lumpur, and then by ferry across to the island
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