Colour |
Black, brown, green, pink, red, yellow, blue, watermelon,
blue green |
Appearance |
Shiny, opaque or transparent, long striated or hexagonal structure.
All sizes |
Rarity |
Easily obtained from specialist stores |
Source |
Sri Lanka, Brazil, Africa, United States, Western Australia, Afghanistan,
Italy |
Tourmaline cleanses, purifies, and transforms dense energy into a lighter
vibration. It grounds spiritual energy, clears and balances all the chakras*,
and forms a protective shield around the body.
Tourmaline is a shamanic stone that brings protection during rituals. It
can be used for scrying* and was traditionally used to point to the culprit
or cause in times of trouble, and indicate a "good" direction
in which to move.
Natural Tourmaline wands are useful healing tools. They clear the aura,
remove blockages, disperse negative energy, and point to solutions for specific
problems. They are excellent for balancing and connecting the chakras. At
a physical level, they rebalance the meridians*.
Tourmaline has a strong affinity with the devic* energies and is extremely
beneficial for the garden and plants. It can act as a natural insecticide,
keeping pests at bay, and, buried in the soil, encourages the growth and
health of all crops.
Psychologically, Tourmaline aids in understanding oneself and others, taking
you deep into yourself, promoting self-confidence and diminishing fear.
It banishes any feeling of being a victim and attracts inspiration, compassion,
tolerance, and prosperity.
Tourmaline is a powerful mental healer, balancing the right-left hemispheres
of the brain and transmuting negative thought patterns into positive ones
This stone brings the mental processes, the chakras, and the biomagnetic
sheath' into alignment. It is helpful in treating paranoia, and for overcoming
dyslexia, as it improves hand-to-eye coordination and the assimilation and
translation of coded information.
Emotionally, Red, Yellow, and Brown Tourmalines are beneficial for sexuality
and the emotional dysfunction that can lie behind loss of libido. Physically,
Tourmaline releases tension, which makes it helpful in spinal adjustments.
It balances male-female energy within the body.
The striations along the side of Tourmaline enhance energy flow, making
it an excellent stone for healing, energy enhancement, and removal of blockages.
Each of the different colors of Tourmaline has its own specific healing
Place or wear as appropriate. To stimulate meridians*, place with the tip
pointing in the same direction as the flow. Excellent for gem essences which
work quickly and efficiently
In addition to the generic properties, colored Tourmalines have specific
additional properties:
Black Tourmaline (Schorl) protects
against cell phones, electromagnetic smog', radiation, psychic attack*,
spells and ill-wishing, and negative energies of all kinds. Connecting with
the base chakra*, it grounds energy and increases physical vitality, dispersing
tension and stress. Clearing negative thoughts, Schorl promotes a laid-back
attitude and objective neutrality with clear, rational thought processes.
It encourages a positive attitude, no matter what the circumstances, and
stimulates altruism and practical creativity. In healing, Black Tourmalines
placed point-out from the body draw off negative energy. Black Tourmaline
defends against debilitating disease, strengthens the immune system, treats
dyslexia and arthritis, provides pain relief, and realigns the spinal column,
Wear around your neck or place between yourself and the source of electromagnetics.
Blue Tourmaline (Indicolite)
activates the throat and third eye chakra* and stimulates the urge for spiritual
freedom and clarity of self-expression, This color aids psychic awareness,
promotes visions, and opens the way for service to others, encouraging fidelity,
ethics, tolerance, and a love of truth. It carries the ray of peace and
dissolves sadness and blocked feelings, bringing them up gently to the surface
to be healed and dissipated, and assists in developing an inner sense of
responsibility. This stone promotes living in harmony with the environment
It is an excellent stone for healers, as it prevents negativity from sticking.
In healing, bright Blue Tourmaline is a useful diagnostic tool and helps
in identifying underlying causes of dis-ease*, Blue Tourmaline benefits
the pulmonary and immune systems and the brain, corrects fluid imbalances,
treats kidney and bladder, thymus and thyroid, and chronic sore throat,
It is helpful for insomnia, night sweats, sinusitis, and bacterial infections,
It is traditionally used on the throat, larynx, lungs, esophagus, and eyes,
It soothes burns and prevents scarring, Dark Blue Tourmaline is particularly
helpful for the eyes and brain and can be made ,into an elixir, Blue Tourmaline
can be placed anywhere there is disease or congestion, It helps to overcome
speech impediments.
Brown Tourmaline (Dravide)
is an excellent grounding stone, clearing and opening the earth chakra and
the grounding cord* holding the physical body in incarnation, It clears
the aura, aligns the etheric body and protects it. Encouraging community
spirit and social commitment, Brown Tourmaline makes one feel comfortable
in a large group. This stone heals dysfunctional family relationships and
strengthens empathy Brown Tourmaline is pragmatic and promotes creativity.
In healing, Brown Tourmaline treats intestinal disorders and skin diseases,
and stimulates regeneration in the whole body.
Colorless Tourmaline (Achroite)
synthesizes all other colors and opens the crown chakra*. In healing, it
aligns the meridians* of the physical* and etheric bodies*.
Green Tourmaline (Verdelite)
is an excellent healer and is helpful for visualization. It opens the heart
chakra, promotes compassion, tenderness, patience, and a sense of belonging
This nurturing stone brings balance and joid de vivre. Transforming negative
to positive energy and dispelling fears, Green Tourmaline promotes openness
and patience. It rejuvenates and inspires creativity. With this stone, one
is able to see all possible solutions and to select the most constructive.
It magnetizes the wearer to prosperity and abundance. Green Tourmaline overcomes
problems with father figures. It facilitates the study of herbalism and
enhances the application of remedies, and has the power to heal plants.
In healing, as with all green stones, this color aids sleep and quiets the
mind. It fortifies the nervous system and prepares it for a vibrational
shift. Green Tourmaline treats eyes, heart, thymus, brain, and immune system;
facilitates weight loss; and relieves CFS and exhaustion. It assists in
realigning the spine and aids strained muscles. Green Tourmaline is a useful
detoxifier and heels constipation and diarrhea. It can reduce claustrophobia
and panic attacks. Green Tourmaline is beneficial for hyperactive children.
Multicolored Gem Tourmaline
(Elbaite) contains all colors and, as a result, it brings the mind, body.
spirit, and soul into wholeness. It is an excellent stone for imagery and
promoting dreams, inspiring creativity and enhanced imagination. This stone
provides a gateway into the inner self and the higher spiritual realms.
In healing, Multicolored Tourmaline stimulates the immune system and the
Pink Tourmaline is an aphrodisiac
that attracts love in the material and spiritual world. Providing assurance
that it is safe to love, it inspires trust in love, and confirms that it
is necessary to love yourself before you can hope to be loved by others.
This stone assists in sharing physical pleasure. It disperses emotional
pain and old destructive feelings through the heart chakra, which it cleanses,
and synthesizes love with spirituality. Promoting peace and relaxation,
Pink Tourmaline connects you to wisdom and compassion and stimulates receptivity
to healing energies.
In healing, Pink Tourmaline balances a dysfunctional endocrine system and
treats heart, lungs, and skin. Place on the heart.
Purple-Violet Tourmaline stimulates
healing of the heart and produces loving consciousness.
It connects the base and heart chakras', increasing devotion and loving
aspiration. This stone stimulates creativity and intuition. It unblocks
the third eye' chakra, stimulates the pineal gland, and strips away illusions.
This is a useful stone for past-life healing, taking you to the heart of
the problem and then dispersing it.
In healing, Purple Tourmaline reduces depression and releases obsessional
thoughts. It treats sensitivity to pollutants, Alzheimer's, epilepsy, and
Red Tourmaline (Rubellite)
strengthens the ability to understand love, promotes tactfulness and flexibility,
sociability and extroversion, balancing too much aggression or overpassivity.
It heals and energizes the sacral chakra and increases creativity on all
levels. This color offers stamina and endurance.
In healing, Red Tourmaline gives vitality to the physical body and detoxifies.
It heals the heart; it treats the digestive system, blood vessels, and the
reproductive system; it stimulates blood circulation and spleen and liver
function; and it repairs veins. It is useful for muscle spasms and chills.
Watermelon Tourmaline (pink
enfolded in green) is the "superactivator" of the heart chakra,
linking it to the higher self and fostering love, tenderness, and friendship.
This stone instills patience and teaches tact and diplomacy. Alleviating
depression and fear, it promotes inner security. Watermelon Tourmaline assists
understanding of situations and expressing intentions clearly. It treats
emotional dysfunction and releases old pain. Watermelon Tourmaline is beneficial
for relationships and helps to find the joy in situations.
In healing, Watermelon Tourmaline dissolves any resistance to becoming whole
once more. It encourages regeneration of the nerves, especially in paralysis
or multiple sclerosis, and treats stress.
Yellow Tourmaline stimulates
the solar plexus and enhances personal power. It opens up the spiritual
pathway and benefits intellectual pursuits and business affairs.
In healing, Yellow Tourmaline treats the stomach, liver, spleen, kidneys,
and gallbladder.
Black Tourmaline with Mica
returns ill-wishing to its source so the perpetrator learns from it. This
combination is particularly efficient at nullifying electromagnetic smog*.
Black Tourmaline rod in Quartz
Quartz containing chunky Black Tourmaline rods, as opposed to the strands
in Tourmalinated Quartz, is excellent for neutralizing psychic or actual
attack*, strengthening the person on the receiving end enhancing their well
being. It can be used to guard against terrorist attack and to heal the
effect of such an attack. This stone has the ability to go beyond dualities
and to integrate the shadow into the whole personality.
Tourmaline with Lepidolite
on a matrix is excellent for giving up addictions of all kinds, for understanding
the reasons behind addiction, and for accepting that denial has been present.
It then helps you to live life without the spurious support of the addictive
substance or behavior, replacing it with the love and protection of the
universal energies and powerful self-healing potential.