Treatment for chronic headache, insomnia, mental tension, hysteria, hallucination
and insanity - Dhara : Herbal oils, medicated milk or decoctions are poured
on the forehead/whole body in a special manner.
Variations include Oordhwanga Dhara (good for diseases of eyes, ears and
skin), Takra Dhara (for those suffering from memory loss, severe headache
or insanity) and Sarvanga Dhara (for both head and body).

to alleviate osteoarthritis, leukemina etc. - Snehapanam : Medicated
ghee is given internally in a gradually increased quantity for specific
Treatment for spondilosis, rheumatic
diseases like arthritis, paralysis, hemiplegia, nervous weakness and nervous
disorders - Pizhichil : Lukewarni herbal oil is applied with fresh linen
all over the body by trained masseurs in a rhythmic manner for one to two
hours daily for 7 to 21 days. Treatment for diseases like hemiplegia,
paralysis, obesity and certain rheumatic ailments -Udvarthanam : Therapeutic
massage with herbal powders.
Treatment for musculo
skeletal ailments due to trauma or accidents - Mama Chikitsa : Treatment
that works on the extremely sensitive vital points of the body (the 107
Treatment for nasal ailments - Naysay :
Inhalation of medicated herbal preparations, decoction of oils, ghee etc. to
eliminate the morbid factors from the head and neck area.
for ear ailment - Karnapooranam : Medicated oils are applied to the ear
for 5 to 10 minutes daily to clean as well as treat specific ailments.
cataract and strengthening vision - Tharpanam : A treatment for the eys
effective in preventing cataract and stregthening the optic nerve. Treatment
for wasting of muscles, all types of rheumatism, sports injuries, pain in
joints, emaciation of the body or parts of the body and certain kinds of
skin diseases.
Nijavarakizhi : The whole body
is made to perspire by the external application of medicated rice packs in
the form of boluses i.e. clod or lump of earth tied in muslin bags.
for dryness of nostrils, mouth and throat, severe headaches, facial
paralysis and burning sensation in the head Sirovasti : Lukewarm herbal
oils are poured into a leather cap fitted on the head for specific duration
as per physician's recommendation.