Rejuvenation Theory - Rassayana Chikitsa : It tones up the skin and rejuvenates
and strengthens all the tissues so as to achieve ideal health and longevity.
It also increases 'OJ as' (primary vitality) and improves 'Satya' (mental
clarity) and thereby increases the resistance power of the body. It includes
head and face massage with medicated oils and herbal oil or powder by hand
and foot, intake of rejuvenative medicines and medicated steam bath. Herbal
baths are also used.

Immunization and Longevity Treatment - Kayakalpa Chikitsa : Prime treatment
for retarding the ageing process, arresting the degeneration of body cells
and immunisation of the system it includes intake of Rasayana (special
Ayurvedic medicines and diet) and comprehensive body care programmers. The
treatment proves most effective if undertaken before the age of 50.
Sudation - Sweda Karma: Medicated steam baths eliminate impurities from the
body, improve the tone and complexion of the skin, reduce fat and are
recommended for certain rheumatic diseases, particularly for pain. Precious
herbs and herbal leaves are boiled and the setam is passed over the entire
body fro 10 to 20 minutes daily. Hand massage with herbal oils or herbal
powder improves body circulation and tones up the muscles.
and Physical Well Being - Meditation and Yoga: Mental and physical exercises
meant to isolate the ego from the body and the mind- designed to hone your
concentration, improve health and help attain peace of mind through eight
stages of training:
(1) Disciplined behaviour (yama);
(3) Bodily postures such as the lotus
position (asana);
(4) Control of breathing (pranayama);
Control of the senses (pratyahara);
(6) Fixing of the mind on a chosen
object (dharana);
(7) Meditation (dhyana);
(8) Samadhi-a state of
being where you experience absolute tranquility and well-being. Beauty
Care': Herbal face pack, herbal oil, intake herbal tea etc. improve
complexion and beautifies the body. Body Slimming: Medicated herbal powder
and medicated herbal oil massages, an Ayurvedic diet of herbal juices etc.
are part of the programme.
Overall Fitness - Panchakanna
Treatment: A five fold treatment for mental and physical well being-tunes
the body, organs, mind, breath, nerves and purifies the blood.