Popularity of Ayurveda is turning out to be an important cause for a tourism
boom in Kerala. Kerala is the only state which practices this system of
medicine with absolute dedication.

600 BC in India a new system of medicine evolved. A system that in addition
to treating an ailment, stressed on its prevention. A system that came to be
called Ayurveda. This tradition of heath and are was followed by the
Dravidians and Aryan alike and has been practiced ever since. In the 5th
century, there are historical references of some sort of a crude system of
healing prevalent in Kerala. Marco Polo in the 13th century had observed
good traditional practitioners and astrologists in Kerala. Ashtavaidyans,
the traditional healers of Kerala, used to practice Vagbhandan's remedies
and his followers, Indu and Geggdan are believed to have stayed in Kerala
and were instrumental in propagating the Ayurveda system of healing. It is
also believed that Indu, who wrote Sasilekha, a preface for Ayurveda,
belonged to Kerala.
Today, Ayurveda is an indispensable branch of
medicine-a complete naturalistic system that depends on the diagnosis of
your body's humors -vata, pitta and kapha-to achieve the right balance.
Ayurveda believes in the treatment of not just the affected part but the
as a whole making. The practice is presently both a mixture / of
Vagabhadan's remedies and traditionally proved methods of healing practiced
by an ancient families.
Unique health holiday opportunity from
Kerala Tourism is based on Ayurveda the time-tested, ancient Indian system
of medicine. Ayurveda offers two kinds of holiday options, Rejuvenative and