Wetlands in Sardar Samand Lake , Sardar Samand Lake in Rajasthan, Sardar Samand Lake , Sardar Samand Lake Rajasthan |
Wetlands in Sardar Samand Lake
Location : 55 km south of Jodhpur, Pali district, Rajasthan
Area :3641 ha
Altitude. 215.18 m
Biogeographical province: 4.8.4 Wetland type: 17
Description of site: A freshwater reservoir, semicircular in shape, 9.45 km long and 3.85 km wide. The maximum depth is 5.79 m.The pH is 7.9 - 9.3
Principal vegetation: Important phytoplankton include Merismopedia, Nostoc, and Oscillatoria. Important macrophytes are Potamogeton indicus and Ceratophyllum demersum
Disturbances and threats: No information
Economic and social values: Provides water for drinking and irrigation
Fauna: Ichthyofauna include Cirrhinus mrigala, C.reba, Channa marulius, Labeo angra, L.dero, L.rohita, Mystus bleekeri, Mastacembelus armatus, Puntius sarana, P. sophore, and Wallago attn. Zooplankton include Cyclops, Diaptomus, Daphnia, Cypris, Asplanchna, and Brachionus. Other faunal species are the shrimp (Caridina weberi ), frog (Rana cyanophlyctis), and turtle (Lissemys punctata.)
Special floral values: No information
For Wetlands in Sardar Samand Lake