Wetlands in Nanda Island , Nanda Island in Gujarat, Nanda Island , Nanda Island Gujarat. |
Location: in Kachchh district, Gujarat, 10 km southwest of Adesar (Kachchh district) and 5 km off Piparala (Banaskantha district), Gujarat
Area: c.5000 ha
Altitude: Sea level
Biogeographic province: 4.5.7
Wetland type: 08,16
Description of site: The Little Rann is a vast stretch of salt-affected, barren wasteland covering an area of 3,88,500 ha, frequently flooded to a depth of 0.30-0.91 m. Numerous rivers pour their silt-laden waters annually into this Rann from the north, south, and east. The Banas, Rupen, and Saraswati rivers drain into the Rann from the east and northeast, and Machhu, Brahman, Kankavati, Phulka, and Chandrabhaga from the south. The Rann is partially drained through a narrow creek to its west. The land is also affected by the ingress of tides. This water is driven by the strong southwest winds beyond the head of the Gulf of Kachchh. Most of the Rann is dry by the end of November or middle of December. Nanda Island is a part of the Rann. The island remains above high flood water level during the monsoon. With the departure of the monsoon, the flood waters dry up, leaving behind a hard, flat surface covered with salt which makes the ground shine dazzling white
Climatic conditions: Mean annual rainfall is 320 mm. Rainfall is highly erratic. Temperatures reach extremes in summer and winter
Principal vegetation: Flat,barren area without vegetative cover. There is some algal growth in stagnant water. On the island the main vegetation is Prosopis juliflora, Salvadora oleoides, Salvadora persica, Capparis aphylla and Melia azadirachta, in addition to agricultural crops such as castor, cotton, jowar, and bajra. Grasses and thorny vegetation also found
Land tenure: Under the control of the Gujarat State Government
Conservation measures taken: It is a part of the Wild Ass Sanctuary
Land use: A part of the island is under seasonal cultivation Possible changes in land use and proposed development projects: Salt production may start herein the near future
Disturbances and threats: Some disturbance to the migratory birds by fishermen and salt transporters from the Rann
Economic and social values: Many of the local people are dependent on the area for fish
Fauna: A very important place for resident and migratory birds A waterfowl count 1991 recorded the following: Pelecanus oncrotalus (3200), Egretta gularis (5), E.intermedia (50+), Ardea cinerea (50+), Mycteria leucocephala (40+), Platalea leucorodia (200+), Phoenicopterus minor (175), Anas acuta (7), A.clypeata (47), Fulica atra (1000+), H.himantopus (620), Numenius arquata (11), Tringa totanus (1), T. nebularia (1), Larusbrunnicephalus (380+),L.ridibundus (2800+),Hydroprogne caspia (100). The Island is inhabited by herds of wild ass (Equus hemionus khur), red antelope, and blackbuck
For Wetlands in Nanda Island