Wetlands in Upper Lake , Upper Lake in Madhya Pradesh, Upper Lake , Upper Lake Madhya Pradesh. |
UPPER LAKE, BHOPAL - Madhya Pradesh
(Location) Bhopal district, Madhya Pradesh
Area: 3800 ha
Altitude: No information
Biogeographical province: 4.8.4
Wetland type: 14
Description of site: A huge reservoir covering an area of 3800 ha. Its catchment area is about 37000 ha and it is bounded by the old city of Bhopal on its eastern and northern banks, and Van Vihar National Park on its southern side. The western bank is used for agriculture. The lake is shallow and infested by a thick growth of macrophytes. Seasonal puddles formed after the rainy season, provide an ideal habitat for several waterbirds. The lake water is alkaline (pH 8 to 8.5). Water temperature varies from 17.3°C in winter to 27.5°C in summer. Dissolved oxygen in the lake varies from 5.3 mg/1 to 8.8 mg/l. The lake also has a crocodile and heronry pond constructed by the National Park authorities
Climatic conditions: Tropical monsoon climate with an average rainfall of 1200 mm. The area is influenced by the southwest monsoon
Principal vegetation: Macrophytes comprise the dominant vegetation and can provide the basis for the lake’s classification into three main habitats: the open-water zone supports thick mats of floating and submerged macrophytes such as Hydrilla verticillata, Ceratophyllum demersum, Myriophyllum spathulatum, Potamogeton pectinatus, Najas minor, and Eichhornia crassipes; the shoreline area mainly the emergent macrophytes Cyperus, Typha angustata, Trapa bispinosa and Nymphoides; and small puddles, which form after the rainy season, nearly five species of macrophytes, namely, Typha angustata, Polygonum glabrum, Nymphoides sp., Cyperus sp., and Marselia sp. About 15 species of aquatic flora have been recorded from the heronry and crocodile ponds, Hydrilla verticillata being the most dominant
Land tenure: State owned
Conservation measures taken: About 60 ha of the lake area falls within the Van Vihar National Park
Conservation measures proposed: There are plans to clean the lake which includes de-weeding and desiltation. Vipin Vyas, Rajesh Gupta et al who conducted a hydro-biological survey of the wetland habitats in Bhopal , have suggested that the overgrowth of macrophytes can be controlled biologically by introducing the grass carp (Ctenopharyngodon sp). The carp has a high growth rate and feeds on soft parts of the macrophytes thereby restricting their growth
Land use: The lake is surrounded by human habitation and agricultural land
Disturbances and threats: The thick growth of macrophytes is choking the lake, resulting in shrinkage in its volume. Untreated sewage, fertiliser, and pesticide residues also find their way into the lake
Economic and social values: No information
Fauna: About 26 species of birds have been recorded from the lake. Some of these are coot, red-headed pochard, wigeon, spotbill, shoveller, common teal, white-eyed pochard, dabchick, comb duck, common gallinule, purple moorhen, common snipe, blackwinged stilt, red-wattled lapwing, reef heron, grey heron, cattle egret, little egret, pond heron, white ibis, sarus crane, little cormorant, pied kingfisher, white-breasted kingfisher, and darter. About 41 species of fishes have been recorded, carps (catla and rohu) being the most dominant. Other fishes include Puntius ticto, Puntius puntius, Puntius sophore, and Xenentodon cancila
Special floral values: No information
For Wetlands in Upper Lake