Wetlands in Ropar , Ropar in Punjab, Ropar , Ropar Punjab. |
Wetlands in Ropar of Punjab
Location: in the Ropar district, Punjab
Area: 1365 ha
Altitude: .400 m
Biogeographic province: 4.8.4 Wetland type: 14,15,17
Description of site: The lake was created in 1952 with the construction of Bist Doab Canal which receives water from its headworks on the Sutlej river near Ropar town. The headworks were constructed in 1882 to supply water to Sirhind Canal. The depth of the lake varies from 0.5 m to 6 m. A few shallow water bodies along both sides of the river are located within the wetland area. These water bodies are an ideal habitat for waders and shallow waterbirds. There is a lush forest (Sadabarat forest) covering 30 ha within the wetland area. The soil of this region is well drained, of medium or fine textured sandy loam or coarse sand, lacking in clay. The wetland lies in the Hoshiarpur-Chandigarh sub-montane plain region
Climatic conditions: Semi-arid monsoon type with average annual rainfall of 100 cm. approximately. The temperature range is 4°C (Jan-Feb) to 45’C (May-June)
Principal vegetation: Thorny bushes, reeds, grasses, and sedges. The common tree species are: Acacia nilotica (babul), Acacia modesta (phulai), Albizzia lebbek (siris), Azadirachta indica (neem), Bombax Ceiba (semul), Cassia fistula (amaltas), Dalbergia sissoo (shisham), Eucalyptus tereticornis (eucalyptus), Mangifera indica (mango), Melia azadirachta (dek), Morus indica (mulberry), Moringa oleifera (suhanjana), Dendrocalamus strictus (bamboo), Prosopis juliflora (mesquite), Syzygium cuminii (jamun), Acacia catechu (khair), Ficus bengalensis (banyan), Ficus religiose (pipal), and Salix (willow). The bush and grass species are: Zizyphus mauritiana (malha), Larissa spinarum (garuna), Lantana camera (phul buti), Cannabis
sativa (bhang), Eulaliopsis binata (bhabar grass), Erianthus munja (kana), Saccharum spontaenum (kaki), Arundo donax (nara), Cymbopogon contortus (sarala), Typha elephantine (elephant grass), Dendonea viscose (hedge plant), and Adhatoda vasica (basuta)
Land tenure: It has been declared a reserved forest under the control of the Punjab State Government
Conservation measures taken: An information centre is coming up at the site and some watch towers are to be constructed
Conservation measures proposed: Measures to control siltation are under consideration
Land use: The lake waters are used for fishing. Elephant grasses are cut by local people and used as package material. Cattle grazing and fuelwood collection in the grasslands and forests in and around the wetland also provide occupation
Disturbances and threats: Siltation and pollution of water by effluents from factories in the vicinity are major problems. Fishing operations often disturb migratory birds. Trees are extensively cut for fuelwood, while the cutting of elephant grass has arrested natural plant succession. Parthenium weed is spreading rapidly in the wetland and requires immediate eradication
Economic and social values: The local people depend on this area for firewood, fodder, and fisheries. The beautiful wetland site attracts a number of tourists
Fauna: Several mammals such as wild boar (Sus scrota), jackal (Canis aureus), rufous tailedhare-(Lepus nigricollis), small Indian mongoose (Herpestes auropunctatus), common mongoose (Herpestes edwardsi), fruit bat (Rousettus leschenaulti), pale hedge hog (Paraechinus micropus), and jungle cat (Felis chaus) are commonly found here. The wetland is an attractive habitat for avifauna, including migratory waterfowl. Species observed here include: ruddy shelduck ,mallard, pintail, spotbill duck, gadwall, shoveller, wigeon, red-crested pochard, common pochard, white-eyed pochard, tufted pochard, common teal, little grebe, little cormorant, darter, white ibis, pond heron, cattle egret, large egret, chestnut bittern, white-breasted waterhen, purple moorhen, coot, pheasant-tailed jacana, whiskered tern, red-shank, small pratincole, redwattled lapwing, osprey, bamowl, great-horned owl, small blue kingfisher, and fantail snipe. The ichthyofauna of Roper wetland comprises: Labeo rohita, L.gonius, L.calbasu,Catla catla, Cirrhinus mrigala, Cyprinus carpio, Ctenopharyngodon idella, Hypothalmicthys molitrix, Wallago attu, Mystus cavasius, Ompok bimaculatus, Mystus cavasius, and Tor putitora
Special floral values: No information
For Wetlands in Ropar