Wetlands in Pashu Vihar Sanctuary , Pashu Vihar Sanctuary in Uttar Pradesh, Pashu Vihar Sanctuary , Pashu Vihar Sanctuary Uttar Pradesh |
Wetlands in Pashu Vihar Sanctuary
Location: near the Nepalese border, 80 km NNE of Shahjahanpur, Uttar Pradesh
Area: Area of wetlands unknown; Sanctuary 22,712 ha
Altitude: 145-176 m
Biogeographical province: 4.8.4
Wetland type: 15,18
Description of site: Permanent and seasonal freshwater ponds, marshes, and areas of seasonally inundated terai grassland in the Kishanpur Pashu Vihar Sanctuary. The wetlands are fed by monsoon run-off and a tributary of the Ghaghara river rising in the foothills of western Nepal. The water table is high, there are many artesian wells, and much of the area is prone to water logging
Climatic conditions: Tropical monsoon climate with an average annual rainfall of about 1000 mm
Principal vegation: No information is available on the aquatic vegetation. The main forest type is north Indian tropical moist deciduous forest
Land tenure: State-owned
Conservation measures taken: The area was declared a Sanctuary in 1972 to conserve a population of swamp deer (Cervus duvaucelli)
Land use: A managed nature reserve
Disturbances and threats: Grazing by domestic livestock and forestry operations are the main problems in the Sanctuary
Economic and social values: No information
Fauna: The Sanctuary supports a small population of swamp deer (Cervus duvaucelli). The rich avifauna probably includes Francolinus gularis and Houbaropsis bengalensis. Fish species include rohu
Special floral values: No information
For Wetlands in Pashu Vihar Sanctuary