Wetlands in Mehao Sanctuary , Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary, Mehao Sanctuary , Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary Arunachal Pradesh.
Wetlands in Mehao Wildlife Sanctuary
Arunachal Pradesh
Location: 65 km from Balipara. Railway Station and 100 km northeast of Dibrugarh, Dibang Valley district, Arunachal Pradesh
Area: Area of wetlands unknown; Sanctuary, 28,150 ha Altitude: 200-3,560 m
Biogeographical province: 4.9.4 Wetland type: 11, 12,13
Description of site: Mahao Sanctuary is located around the valley of the Dri river which flows almost due south from the extreme northeastern corner of India to join the confluence of the Dihang and Lohit rivers at 27°55’N, 95* 40’E. Most of the Sanctuary is primary, tropical, wet evergreen and semi-evergreen forest, but there are some areas of grassland and seasonally inundated valley floors with riverine formations
Climatic conditions: Humid tropical to temperate climate, with an average annual rainfall of 4,189 mm, most of which occurs during May-September
Principal vegetation: No information Land tenure: State-owned
Conservation measures taken: The Mahao Sanctuary (28,150 ha) was established in 1980
Land use: No information
Disturbances and threats: No information Economic and social values: No information
Fauna: The swamp deer (Cervus duvaucelli) inhabits the Sanctuary. The endangered white-winged wood-duck (Cairina scutulata) still persists in small numbers along the lower course of the Dri river
For Wetlands in Mehao Sanctuary