Wetlands in Chiklod Lake , Chiklod Lake in Madhya Pradesh, Chiklod Lake , Chiklod Lake Madhya Pradesh. |
CHIKLOD LAKE - Madhya Pradesh
Location: Bhopal district, Madhya Pradesh
Area: 250 ha
Altitude: 445 m
Biogeographical province: 4.8.4 Wetland type: 14
Description of site: The lake is situated 40 km southeast of Bhopal on the Jaipur-Jabalpur National highway. It is road runs through the illection of firewood and Ed villagers. During winra Sagar dry up and only stes from Shivpuri town & fishes during the night wildlife-oriented tourism .creation. It is one of the zone and contr. It constitutes a highly and for a wide variety of awl. About 150 species of L Groves of trees around ty of cormorants, herons, large numbers of ducks, iter. Waterfowl recorded 1987 included:
58 Anhinga melanogaster
250 Egretta garzetta
26 Ciconia episcopus
8 Leptoptilos dubius
200 Vueskiornis melanocephalus
80 Platalea leucorodia 360 Anser indices
560 Anthropoides virgo
and ducks, chiefly Anas A. acuta, A. querquedula, been recorded among Lissemys punctata, and seen. wild boars (Sus scrofa) are common in the surrounding forest and often forage in the reed-beds
Special floral values: None know
For Wetlands in Chiklod Lake