Wetlands in Chata Lake , Chata Lake in Rajasthan, Chata Lake , Chata Lake Rajasthan. |
Location : East of Chhata town, about 100 km SSE of Delhi along the Uttar Pradeh – Rajasthan Border
Area: 3000 ha at maximum extent Altitude: 190 m
Biogeographical province: 4.8.4 Wetland type: 14, 16, 17
Description of site: A group of at least three discrete lakes, Kamai, Nari, and Sankhi, surrounded by agricultural land. Karnai is a small water storage reservoir (tank), whereas Nari and Sankhi are natural lakes; all are fed by monsoon run-off and irrigation canals. Sankhi Lake is saline and the shallowest of the three, with a maximum depth of only 30 cm; the other two lakes are slightly brackish and some 60-80 cm deep. All three are usually dry by May but, in years of good monsoon, provide important habitat for waterfowl during the northern winter. The Jamuna river flows southwards through the eastern part of the area
Climatic conditions: Tropical monsoon climate
Fauna: The lakes are reported to be of considerable importance for wintering waterfowl, with a range of bird species similar to that of Keoladeo Ghana National Park, 35 km to the southeast. However, when first surveyed in January 1987, the lakes were suffering from the monsoon failure of 1986; water levels were very low and few birds were present. Nevertheless, some 3170 waterfowl of about 75 species were present, including three Pelecanus crispus, 200 herons and egrets of ten species, 10 Ciconia episcopus, two pairs of Ephippiorhynch asiaticus, 100 ibises and spoonbills (Threskiornithidae), 350 flamingos (Phoenicopteridae), 422 Anser indicus, over 600 ducks of 15 species, 42 Grus antigone, 230 Fulica atra, and over 950 shorebirds of about 25 species
Special floral values: No information
For Wetlands in Chata Lake