Wetland of Eastern Uttar Pradesh, Wetland of Uttar Pradesh, Wetland in Uttar Pradesh |
Wetland of Eastern Uttar Pradesh
Location: a region bounded by the Ghaghara river to the north and the Ganges river to the south, east to their confluence near Chapra, Uttar Pradesh
Area : Area of wetlands unknown, in a region of some 2,500,00 ha
Altitude: c.100 m
Biogeographical province: 4.8.4 Wetland type: 11, 13,14,15,19
Description of site: Numerous small lakes, ponds, marshes, and water courses in a vast low-lying region between the Ghaghara and Ganges rivers in eastern Uttar Pradesh. The region, formerly known as the “Oudh” (meaning between the two rivers), stretches for about 370 krn from east to west and up to 120 km from north to south. It contains more than 500 freshwater wetlands of over 100 ha in area and a great wealth of smaller water bodies. A few of the wetlands exceed 500 ha, and most of the significant lakes are about 200-300 ha. Detailed information is lacking on this area, but it is likely that the wetlands are similar in many respects to those of northern Uttar Pradesh to the west and those of Bihar to the east. The cities of Kanpur, Allahabad, and Varanasi are situated on the Ganges on the southern edge of the region. The whole area is densely populated and under intensive cultivation
Climatic conditions: Tropical monsoon climate typical of the Ganges plain, with an average annual rainfall of about 1000 mm and a temperature range of 5° - 45°C
Principal vegetation: No information
Land tenure: Largely under private ownership Conservation measures taken: None
Land use: Fishing and water supply for irrigation and domestic use. The wetlands are also utilised by local people as a source of fodder for domestic livestock and fuel for cooking
Description of site: The wedands, region of northern India are tributaries of the Ganges flowriog Himalaya to the plains between the and the Ganges itself.
Disturbances and threats: The principal threats are over-exploitation of all the wetland resources by the ever-increasing human population of the region, drainage for conversion to agricultural land, infestation with Eichhornia crassipes, and pollution from domestic wastes
Economic and social values: The wetlands act as natural water storage reservoirs for irrigation and domestic supply, and provide a wealth of natural foods, fuel, and fodder for the local people and their livestock
Fauna: Known to be an extremely important area for migratory waterfowl, especially Anatidae. Abdulali and Savage (1970) reported that “millions” of ducks used the area in winter, but no recent information is available. Some of the less disturbed wetlands probably support significant densities of breeding waterfowl as well
Special floral values: No information
For Wetland of Eastern Uttar Pradesh